Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!

I did NOT wake up extremely late this morning to find my three year old staring at me NOT asking for her breakfast. I did NOT stay in my PJ's until 3:00pm and I did not watch Day's of Our Lives instead of being a responsible adult and clean my house. NOT ME!
I did NOT wait three days to wash my NOT filthy hair because I did NOT have anywhere to be that was relatively important enough to look good for.
I did NOT forget my friends birthday because she is so very special and a GREAT friend like me would NOT do such a thing. I did NOT express mail her card to get there on time either.
And last but NOT least. I did NOT eat the entire key lime pie I made on Sunday!
This is what I did NOT do! How about you? Want to join in on the NOT ME fun?
Check out MckMama's blog for more great NOT me reads.


  1. I DVR Days of Our Lives every single day. Shhhh....don't tell anyone.

    In case you haven't noticed, I tagged you for some Honest Scrap award. Stop by and have a look. Have fun.

  2. You made pie AND cookies? Next time, send some of those with the card - all will be forgiven and you won't even have to express mail it! :)

  3. I didn't forget an occasion either. I most definitely did not forget my aunt and uncles aniversary


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